Saturday, July 5, 2014

Wolf Point, MT

Sunrise on the road to Wolf Point, Montana

Known as the "Granddaddy of Montana Rodeos," Wolf Point is the home of the annual Wild Horse Stampede, held during the second weekend of July. Wolf Point is the largest community in the Ft. Peck Indian Reservation. Sitting in the Missouri River Valley, it is a quaint and lovely little town. Population during the last census was noted at approximately 2600.

Riding down the endless road

My solution to the unrelenting sun
I departed Circle during the wee hours of the morning, while it was still quite dark, in order to avoid the heat as there is no shade on the route from Circle to Wolf Point. I arrived early and had a leisurely breakfast where I met Robin Atkins ( and Lunnette Higdon-Hertel who were vacationing together. They invited me to join their table for breakfast so that I could tell them a bit about my trip. I found their travels far more interesting than mine! Robin bicycled around Europe in the 70s and Lunnette sounds like she was a true flower child who hitchhiked all over the United States and Canada about that same period of time. Robin is an artist while Lunnette is a calligrapher who has a friend or relative who works at the same university is my son-in-law, Kevin Ward. Additionally her husband has a little boat, Friday Harbor Cruises, which offers cruises around the San Juan Islands. Being so close to my daughter’s home, most certainly we will look them up to see about taking a cruise sometime in the future. Small world!

Initially I planned to continue on with my trip today, but the heat and the wind picked up right around noon so decided to stay over. Again I will leave early in the morning to avoid the heat. Tomorrow's goal will be Glasgow or beyond. Hopefully the weather will be cooler and there will be no wind.

Wolf Point, MT