Monday, May 5, 2014

Iroquios, IL

Thank you Iroquois Village Hall for a wonderful night's sleep!
Yesterday the conditions started out windy but tapered off as time went by and I was able to do 55 miles. Great day of riding, beautiful country, and so good to enter back into Illinois after traveling so many miles.  The citizens of Iroquois, Illinois, are so gracious to cross-country bicyclists. They have opened up their social center to bikers so that they can shower and have a roof over their heads during the cold weather.  Arrived fairly early, could have done more miles, but there really was nowhere else to go. I will attempt to hook up with Andrea, my sweet wife, today and perhaps spend a little time at home. Plan to clean all my gear, have my bike serviced, and get ready for the next leg of the trip.  This trip has changed me immeasurably and I never will be quite the same. It is all for the good; stepping out of one's comfort zone is a growing experience!  I do not believe I ever will look at the United States in quite the same way. A trip like this is not for everyone, but it certainly was good medicine for me and I have fallen in love with our great country all over again.


  1. Welcome to Illinois!
    Don & I continue to check your blog every day and have thoroughly enjoyed sharing in your windy, wet, cold, beautiful, friendly, hospitable adventures. You certainly are in the midst of a life altering experience, i.e., as you have stated, stepping out of one's comfort zone can be good medicine. We will continue to share in your journey, keep you in our prayers, and.... Welcome home to Illinois our dear friend! Vicki & Don

  2. So glad you are falling in love with America again! It's a wonderful country, despite the trouble we get ourselves into. Sorry Ohio wasn't such a great biking experience. Hope my home state will do better in the future.

  3. Greetings Dixie, so nice to be home for a short visit. Will be hitting the road again on Thursday but will take time to refit my bike and do some much needed repairs in preparation for the next leg of the trip.
