Thursday, April 24, 2014

You never know who you'll meet

I do believe the most fun experiences related to traveling by bicycle has to do with the people you meet. Case in point, Jenny Etain and her Turkish boyfriend were a couple that I met in a coffee shop in Ohio. They had returned from three years in Turkey and were home visiting Jenny's family.  They overheard me asking for directions for a bicycle safe route, intervened, and offered the use of their computer to investigate options.  Soft-spoken, very gracious, and very approachable, I immediately took to them.  In the course of our conversation I asked what they did. Jenny responded "I'm a belly dancer."  "No way!"  Yes, that was indeed the case and she's an artist. Jenny showed me some of the films of her dancing, and needless to say she's very graceful, very pretty, and very talented.  It was a pleasure meeting you both. I wish you safe travels, great dancing, and the love of the world.
Lt. Carr

I met Mr. Carr who had been a lieutenant with the fourth division in Vietnam one year before I arrived in country.  He served in the same areas where I served, therefore fed the mosquitoes and every other insect known to man that ultimately fed on me a year later.  Perhaps our only accomplishment was we kept the insect species vibrant, healthy, and perpetuating into the future.

Into Ohio

What great people! Doug and Terry went way out of their way to make certain that I was fed, kept warm, and enjoyed my stay in their lovely home.  Their two daughters are not only pretty but witty and very good bike riders.  Doug posted a great video that covered their ride through the Chesapeake and Ohio towpath as well as the Allegheny. It was so fun to watch!  I really enjoyed my stay here, and it was so nice that in the morning Doug rode with me to assure that I got off safely.  Traffic has been a bit of a challenge here in Ohio.  Today I hope to hit smaller roads, confront less traffic, and be able to relax as I did on the bicycle trails.  Doug and Terry, thank you for a great time at your place. I may have just been hungry but I do believe that was the best spaghetti that I ever ate!

The Kempthorne Family
My Warm Showers hosts in Homeworth, OH
Home sweet home for the night--Doug's "office"

Someone, without naming who, bought my breakfast because it was always their desire to ride across the United States. I guess the waitress told them about my trip and they bought my breakfast as they were leaving. I had no opportunity to thank my mysterious benefactor.  I in turn paid for another breakfast without telling them who it was.