Friday, May 9, 2014

My mantra: "The Wind Was Brutal! "

Rained all last night but I was snug and warm in a hotel room. Not so tonight; I'll be sleeping in my tent.  Left about 8 o'clock this morning and was confronted with a brutal wind coming out of the West. Could only make 4 miles an hour at times, and it felt like I could walk faster than I was bicycling. The wind is one obstacle that can really wear on a person's morale. Met my first bicyclists today traveling from Eugene, Oregon, to Washington DC.  Normally I would've taken a picture but I was too pooped to pop! I was too tired from the wind to take their picture; wish I had. They had confronted an eastbound wind the two previous days. Started out with beautiful scenery as can be seen from the picture shown here, and then I traveled to the flat open lands where the wind roared like a freight train.  At 20 miles I realized I was not going to make my 45 miles today. In Bradford, Illinois, checked in at a farm to see if I could pitch a tent and the folks were most accommodating. Have a beautiful view outside my tent door. Should wake up to the rising sun in the morning and behold this pastoral beauty. Hoping that the wind is accommodating tomorrow so that I may put some miles under my wheels. In any event, it's a great trip and continues to be that every day with new and exciting adventures.
They certainly have big raccoons in this part of the country!
Jim Hewitt

Shallow Brook Farms, my home for tonight
View from my tent door


  1. I hear that breed of raccoon likes hugs! Love you dad! So proud of you!

  2. My Dad (Jim Hewitt) told me about your journey and your visit to Shallowbrook Farms. I work in Decatur and so it's a small world. :-) I'm enjoying your blog and will be sending you wishes for dry weather. Be safe!

    Julie Hewitt-Toohill

    1. Thank you so much for your post. Your dad was a saint, opening up the bathroom so that I could take a shower and generally clean up. Glad to have you following the blog!
