Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014

While not perfect, Andrea is feeling much better. After having subjected my sweet wife to every test devised by the medical profession, the general consensus is that while not feeling at the top of her game, some of the really serious diseases have been ruled out. Thanks to modern medicine and pharmacopeia, Andrea's most irritating symptoms are under control. The general plan now is that we're going to just give her time to recuperate, watch for improvement, and act accordingly. This being the case and assuming that I have her blessing, I will again hit the road and attempt to finish my trip before the family reunion in mid August. 

In the meantime, the agenda is welcoming our new granddaughter, Vera Mae Ward, into the world and spending a little time spoiling her. Needless to say, she is beautiful just like her mother and will certainly be her daddy's delight.

This evening will be very special as we celebrate our younger daughter's completion of her surgical residency. After four years of college, four years of medical school, one year of internship, and four years of residency, she is finally done! ... Well, kind of done... as she, Paul (her wonderful husband) and our little granddaughter Jennie move to Portland for one more year of training in the specialty of Emi's choice. Paul is finishing up his work in Denver, Emily is in the last days of her residency, and we are all packing boxes for the move. But tonight, it's all about celebrating!


  1. Glad to see you are posting again Steve, and that you have many positive, exciting events in your life that take priority! Looking forward to when you resume your trip.

    1. I can hardly wait to get back on the road...albeit I'm getting out of shape.

  2. Great news, that Andrea is feeling better. You and your fine family have much to celebrate for sure.

  3. Steve,
    Great to hear from you. You have proven that family truly comes first. Pedal on!
