Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 26, 2014

Near ND border...brutal winds!!!

Western Minnesota is a transition into the typical plains type ecosystem where trees become sparse and the grasses take over. Unfortunately the winds are seemingly non-abating, and there are long flat and rolling stretches one has to bicycle fighting the wind and charbroiling in the sun. Bicycled just under 60 miles today in order to reach Moorehead, Minnesota, which is located just across the border from Fargo, North Dakota.  I will be spending the next two nights with Rachel and José Rodriguez, new friends that I met while bicycling yesterday. Through their gracious hospitality I will be able to regain my strength, have my bicycle serviced, and do a little sightseeing around Fargo. In return, it is my hope that they will visit us in Decatur with the promise to travel to Chicago by Amtrak so that we can take in a couple shows. They are a really fun couple, very easy to get to know, and while we have been friends for not much more than 24 hours I feel like I have known them for years. I will take time tomorrow to plan my route across North Dakota in light of the fact that there will be a tremendous amount of truck traffic as a result of the oil patch work that is underway.
Rachel & Jose

This picture was taken at the HuHot Mongolian Grill Stir-Fry Restaurant. What a really fun spot to sample various assortments and mixtures of Mongolian cuisines and sauces. You select the ingredients buffet style and at a huge round grill a bevy of chefs cook it for you. Not only was it a fun experience but tasty as well. Rachel, Jose, and I did our part and ate all we could.


  1. Glad to see you are making such good progress, a rest and tune up for you and Traveler both is probably a grand idea. Tom

  2. Yum! That restaurant looks delicious! That's cool you saw a snapping turtle! I've never seen one except at the zoo! Jen named the one at the zoo "Shelly." The turtle in your picture looks big. And apparently mean haha. Love you! Em

  3. Sorry the winds are still giving you a hard time. It was nice to talk to you yesterday. We are looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Good luck getting to Montana by mid June! Love, Jennifer

  4. Hi Steve, Interesting to meet you in Fargo. We are glad to hear that you are content with your bike after the visite to the bikeshop.
    We are now i Cassselton and we got directions from Tom at the bikeshop to take ave 12 out of town. The traffic was heavy the first couple of miles bur slowed down and it was a good ride on road 35 as far as Casselton where we are tonight.
    We will decide later this evening which way to Bismark.
    Be safe
    Eva and Gunnar
