Thursday, July 17, 2014

Glacier National Park to Whitefish, Montana

The hiatus from bicycling and time spent in the grandeur of Glacier National Park was a welcome relief. Dealing with a broken bicycle was not nearly as much fun. Thanks to Russell Bicycles I received my bicycle wheel on time (actually early), was able to install it and get going earlier than expected.  Running out late in the day, I was told that I would have to take the shuttle to Logan Pass due to road construction.  After going over four passes the day prior, this didn't bother me a bit. Going down the western slope of Logan Pass presented 20 miles of ecstasy, unimaginable vistas, and a glimpse into God's creations at its grandest. The journey down approached that of a spiritual experience as I soared from the mountain peaks astride my bicycle, gliding through the turns, until I reached the valley below. I can say sincerely, I have never had a ride as exhilarating.

Logan Pass

Famous Red Bus

 The road has its obstacles

Construction Traffic

My driver...saved me from this mess!! 

Dave Ahlansberg and  Rob Kerr

 Dave served with the 173rd in Vietnam...and is doing the Continantal Divide from Eureka to Steamboat Springs...go Dave.
Rob is cycling from Banff to 68 years of age.
Pedaling Pete


  1. Wow! That does look like beautiful scenery. Glad you had such a good ride. We're looking forward to visiting Em in Portland tomorrow! Love, Jen

  2. Wow! How beautiful! Wish I were there. ...except for the whole cycling over passes thing...that doesn't sound quite as blissful. Haha love you! Me (Em backwards - Mom)
