Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014 - Circle, Montana

Yesterday was a long hot ride from Wibaux, Montana to Circle, Montana. Just under 80 miles, the only relief from the unrelenting sun was my stop in Glendive.  No trees beyond that for close to 50 miles. Circle was a welcome sight. The town is hot, dry, and typical of eastern Montana.  It inherited its name from the brand of the Mabry Cattle Corporation rather than the corporation's name. In the early 1900s, Peter Rornik started a store and a post office and named the post office after the brand's name..."Circle." 
Pierre Wibaux Statue

I plan to sleep until 3 AM and be on the road by 3:30 to avoid the heat. I have 55 miles of rugged, treeless country to cover before hitting the town of Wolf Point, Montana. With temperatures in the high 90s, I hope to beat the heat as I do not want to get stuck in the open country under a hot sun. I'll be bringing extra water and food to make sure that I'm covered if I should have a breakdown.
We are all travelers in this world from the Sweetgrass to the Great Beyond...from beginning to the end... It's so important that we take time to appreciate this great land in which we live and the many sacrifices that have made it possible. Happy Fourth of July to one and all. Enjoy the occasion, the fireworks, and most of all...your families.

Ned Sikveland
 Ned is an amateur artist and when questioned he said he never really had any talent growing you can see, he certainly has talent now. He did this etching on steel using a plasma cutter. He's done much the same using shovels and any other scrap steel that he can find. So in the little town of Circle, Montana, there is a real artist at work and he does it just part-time for his own enjoyment. This is a must see if you ever find yourself in Circle, Montana.

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